Dear Affiliate,
We regret to inform you that, due to the official closing of ePassporte payment system, we will no longer be able to transfer payments
to your ePassporte accounts.
If you are currently using ePassporte as your payment option, we kindly ask you to enter your account and choose an alternative
payment method.
We also kindly ask you to vote for the most convenient payment method for you. You will find the form for voting in the Home of
your account zone. You can choose more than one answer.
For your convenience we have added new payment methods and for the moment we can offer you the following payment options:
Paper Check - the minimum payment is $130,
WebMoney - the minimum payment is $130,
Wire transfer - the minimum payment is $500,
eCoin - the minimum payment is $130,
Paxum - the minimum payment is $130
Our current service fees can be found in the F.A.Q. of your account zone.
If you are interested in other forms of payment, please let us know.
We also would like to remind you, that in order to change your payment method, you will need to use one of 10 keys that
were emailed to you when your account on MoneyCult.com was being created.
If you cannot find these keys, please use the link
where in the box 'Forgot your password?' please enter your email address, and your keys will authomatically be sent to you.
Please feel free to contact us with any further questions.
ICQ# 337-433-791
email: support@moneycult.com